This guide provides information that help you get started with rockchip opensource linux. If you have any questions, please report to us in github.
We are providing 3 way to build rootfs including prebuilt Debian, Yocto, Buildroot. You can choose your prefer one by yourself.
Config Per Board
Every Board has its device tree file and config file required by the kernel and uboot. Therefore, you will need to choose the correct dts and config to build the source.Below list various Boards and the matching file.
board | kernel | uboot | dts |
rk3288-evb | rockchip_linux_defconfig | evb-rk3288_defconfig | rk3288-evb-act8846.dtb or rk3288-evb-rk808.dts |
rk3288-fennec | rockchip_linux_defconfig | fennec-rk3288_defconfig | rk3288-fennec.dts |
rk3288-miniarm | rockchip_linux_defconfig | tinker-rk3288_defconfig | rk3288-miniarm.dts |
rk3288-firefly | rockchip_linux_defconfig | firefly-rk3288_defconfig | rk3288-firefly.dts |
rk3328-evb | rockchip_linux_defconfig | evb-rk3328_defconfig | rk3328-evb.dts |
rk3399-excavator | rockchip_linux_defconfig | evb-rk3399_defconfig | rk3399-sapphire-excavator-linux.dts |
rk3036-kylin | rockchip_linux_defconfig | kylin-rk3036_defconfig | rk3036-kylin.dts |
Config Per Chip
chip | Kernel eMMC index | Kernel SD index | Uboot eMMC index | Uboot SD index | Baud speed |
rk3399 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1500000 |
rk3288 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 115200 |
rk3036 | 2 | 0 | 0 | - | 115200 |
Getting the Boards
If you need the development board,you can through the following contact information.
Telephone: 4007700590 Email:
Getting the Sources
The rockchip linux SDK source tree is located in multi Git repository hosted by Github. The SDK uses repo to sync down source code.
Create an empty directory to hold your working files.
mkdir rk-linux
cd rk-linux
To initialize Linux SDK source tree
repo init -u
repo sync
repo init -u -b yocto
repo sync
repo init -u -b buildroot
repo sync
Building the Sources
The steps below aren't suitable to all board, don't forget to choose correct option for your board!
Build environment
Please use GCC 5
$ sudo apt-get install git-core gitk git-gui gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf u-boot-tools device-tree-compiler gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu mtools parted pv
Building kernel
Installing the build tools and download source
Please follow linux user guide to install the build tools and download source.
Compile the kernel:
For ARM v7
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- rockchip_linux_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -j4
For ARM V8
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- rockchip_linux_defconfig
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j4
Building uboot
Installing the build tools and download source
Please follow linux user guide to install the build tools and download source.
Compile the Uboot
You should choose your board defconfig from here. ie. we are using evb-rk3288.
CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make evb-rk3288_defconfig all
Now you can get u-boot SPL and u-boot image, but please notices that in some platform or station(like secure-os), we will not use the u-boot SPL.
There are two feasible way to boot to u-boot.
1. RK SPL bin(DDR.bin, miniloader)
2. official u-boot SPL
The following wiki is writed for using u-boot SPL. If you are using a miniloader, you might need modify the steps.
Building rootfs
Yu can download the prebuit image directly.
or you could use the rootfs-build-script from Rockchip to build rootfs yourselves.
If you want to use Yocto to build your rootfs see yocto-user-guide for detail.
If you want to use Buildroot to build your rootfs see buildroot-user-guide for detail.
Booting the Board
Get Tool and Firmware
Writing to the board with USB
For USB to work you must get your board into ROM boot mode, either by erasing
your MMC or holding the maskrom button when you boot the board.
Please refer to the following link:
Using build sciprt
The above steps are really inconvenient, so we have provided some build scripts which essentially wraps those commands.
Please note that those scripts are assumed your directory structure is same with the one created by manifest.
compile kernel
build/ rk3288-firefly
compile uboot
build/ rk3288-firefly
pack kernel and extlinux as boot.img
`extlinux.conf` template is under `build/extlinux`.
build/ -c rk3288 -t boot
pack one image
`s` is size in Mbyte, `r` is your rootfs image location.
build/ -c rk3288 -t system -s 3000 -r rk-debian-build/linaro-rootfs.img
flash image
Please note that you must flash system image before burning the other single image. (To write gpt partitions)
`p` is the target partiton which is defined in, `i` is your image location.
You must get your board into ROM boot mode.
If your board can't easily enter maskrom(e.g. firefly), you'd better use sd-card.
If your board is packed, i recommend to use ums or fastboot(issuing "reboot ums" when in linux).
build/ -c rk3288 -p system -i out/system.img
SD Card:
`d` is your target device
build/ -c rk3288 -p loader -i out/u-boot.out -d /dev/sdb
Some cases
first using
build/ rk3288-firefly
build/ rk3288-firefly
build/ -c rk3288 -t boot
build/ -c rk3288 -t system -s 3000 -r rk-debian-build/linaro-rootfs.img
build/ -p system -i out/system.img
update kernel
build/ rk3288-firefly
build/ -c rk3288 -t boot
build/ -p boot -i out/boot.img
update uboot
build/ rk3288-firefly
build/ -p loader -i out/u-boot.out